Dearborn Artists
John Sanchez passed away on Saturday October 22, 2016 at 1:07 p.m. He was given a prognosis of six months, but lived for 18 months after diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. That was the fighter in him.
He was at home, pain free and at peace when he passed. We were using hospice care.
Visitation was at Hackett Metcalf Funeral Home on Monroe Street in Dearborn, and
mass was at Saint Sebastian Catholic Church.
— Rosalie Klimek
John was recently one of our featured artists. The following text is in his own words:
My first entry into the art world occurred in 1958, when I entered a Dearborn city-wide contest sponsored by Mayor Orville Hubbard.
I was in the second grade at the time. I ended up finishing in third place. I still have the painting and just recently preserved it. During
the 1960s, I built model cars and monster kits from the various manufacturers. In November of 1963, Aurora Corporation sponsored a monster building contest which was very popular at the time. I built and entered their Count Dracula model and ended up taking first place. I was named Master Monster Maker for 1964. I did not get back into the art world until 1989, when I saw a television show called the New Yankee Workshop, hosted by Norm Abrams. After seeing the first show, I started purchasing power tools one at a time. I began building furniture, curio cabinets, kitchen hutches, blanket chests and lingerie chests out of black walnut wood. As my skill level improved, I was hired to rebuild an entire kitchen out of black walnut wood.
In 1996, an ad was placed in Wood magazine for a high-speed cutting tool, similar to a Dremel. A Dremel spins at 35,000 RPM, while this new tool by Paragraphics spun at 300,000 RPMs. I was able to contact the company, and they gave me a 30-day trial with this cutting tool. After using it the very first time, I was sold on it. I started out making wood carvings of maple, oak, holly and Japanese leaves. As my experimentation was underway, I began making 3D art, which is what you see posted here on the ASD website. I still was not satisfied with what I was doing and experimented with other forms of art.
Finally on March 9, 2014, the Michigan Woodworkers Guild had Marc Adams, from the Marc Adams School of Woodworking, give a
one-day seminar on marquetry. When Marc Adams showed us what could be done in marquetry, I was hooked. Marc gave us two lists: one with all the right things to do, and another list of what not to do. After taking the two lists home and studying them, I threw out the to do list and kept the do not list. I was able to make great improvements with the do not list. Currently, my marquetry paintings have sold on a commissioned basis. My paintings incorporate marquetry, veneering, woodworking, wood carving , airbrush and traditional painting.
Over the last 39 years, I have made a living by owning the Alan Sanchez Landscaping Company. During this time, I landscaped over 3,400 homes. I must have done something right and listened to my customers. My customers have won over 100 landscape awards and three State of Michigan awards.
I hope to join the group as soon as possible after I lick this illness (cancer) that I am currently battling. I would like to thank the members of the ASD for the get well cards and your prayers.
— John Sanchez
Bio/Membership Involvement:
Alan Sanchez Landscaping Company, Owner, 1977 - 2015 Retired
Michigan Woodworkers Guild, 1997 - 2016
Michigan Woodworkers Guild, President, 2014 -2015
Michigan Woodworkers Guild, Publicity Director, 1998 - 2015
Livonia Woodcarvers, Publicity Director, 1998 - 2000
St. Sebastian Ushers Club, Secretary, 1997 - Present
Edsel Ford High School 1969 Reunion Committee, 1999 - 2016
Artist Society of Dearborn, 2015 - 2016