Dearborn Artists
Fall Online Exhibition
2020 works
Featuring member artworks created in 2020.
24 ASD members voted.
First place (3 votes)
Sharlene Welton for "Final Vote"
Second place (2 votes)
Dave Gorden for "Early Snow"
Tom Livo for "Swings"
Robert Plonka for "First Ride on the Q"
Dave Gorden for "Abandoned"
Gail Chirchill for "Dave's Hay Bales"
Vasu Tolia for "The World against COVID-19"
Third place (1 vote)
Janet Grant for "Almost Phil"
Janet Dale for "Peony in the Coke Glass"
Don Hoenig for "Untitled"
Janet Kondziela for "Portrait of a Young General"
Paul Zonka for "Fire Escape"
Janet Kondziela for "Still Life with Birds"
Janet Dale for "Sweet Nectare"
Elena Adam for "Peonies"
Danny Rebb for "Black Swan Cafe"
Public voting ("hearts")
1. Elena Adam for "Mood"
2. Elena Adam for "Peonies"
3. Danny Rebb for "Black Swan Cafe"
and Janet Dale for "Peony in the Coke Glass"
On your desktop or laptop click on the image to see the Artist's name, Title and description.
On your mobile devices click on the image once to see the Title. Click twice to see the Artist's name and description.
(you can also click on the little heart by every image to show that you like it!)
Photography entries

3D entries


works on paper